Proposed by  Brendan Cassidy.
Northern Ireland


'If you see it in The Sun, it must be true'... Dear Virginia.
YES Virginia, There is a Santa Claus’ was an immediate sensation, and became one of the most famous editorials ever written, reprinted every year in hundreds of newspapers across the globe, as it is above.
Written by Francis P. Church, a veteran reporter and editor, it first appeared in the The New York Sun in 1897, and was reprinted annually until 1949 when the paper went out of business.

Thirty six years after her letter was printed, Virginia O’Hanlon, the daughter of an Irish immigrant, recalled the events that led to the now immortal editorial. "Quite naturally I believed in Santa Claus, for he had never disappointed me. But when less fortunate little boys and girls said there wasn’t any Santa Claus, I was filled with doubts. I asked my father, and he was a little evasive on the subject."
It was a habit in our family that whenever any doubts came up as to how to pronounce a word or some question of historical fact was in doubt, we wrote to the Question and Answer column in The Sun. Father would always say, ‘If you see it in the The Sun, it’s so’, and that settled the matter."

Virginia did write to her parent’s favourite newspaper, and the letter found its way into the hands of Church. Son of a Baptist minister, Church had covered the Civil War for The New York Times and had worked on the The New York Sun for 20 years, more recently as an anonymous editorial writer. When controversial subjects had to be tackled on the editorial page, especially those dealing with theology, he was usually handed the assignment.

Church married shortly after the Virginia editorial appeared. He died in April 1906. Virginia O’Hanlon went on to become a teacher. Throughout her life she received a steady stream of mail about her Santa Claus letter, and to each reply she attached a printed copy of the Church editorial. She died in 1971.
Dear Virginia